In order for today’s farmer to have the greatest success in marketing, we feel he should share the burden of risk management with outside expertise.
The CPC team consists of a group of seasoned professionals with expertise in cash grain merchandising, futures and options trading, ag education, crop insurance, and overall risk
management experience.
This is an opportunity to work directly with an experienced professional on a ONE ON ONE basis, and at affordable rates due to the extremely low overhead with which
we operate.

Clayton Pope
Head Risk Manager (for Corn exposure) for the highly successful Cargill "CAMS" farm consulting program. Was in charge of CAMS corn marketing and trading recommendations, as well as author of most CAMS corn communications.
Manager Director of AgriVisor (risk management consulting arm of Illinois Farm Bureau and GROWMARK)
Traded on the floor of the primary Chicago commodity exchanges, including the CBOT corn pit
Many years of experience as owner of a successful commodity brokerage and consulting firm
Spent early years in the grain industry teaching and helping grain elevators hedge their risks
Schooled, trained and experienced as a CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
CPC Team

Robert Buckles
based in Charlotte, North Carolina
20+ years of experience as cotton merchant with Cargill Cotton
Years of cash grain risk management experience
Strong focus on breakeven analysis
Licensed and active commodity broker
Licensed and active crop insurance agent
BS in Psychology from Harding University

Lynn Campbell
based in west central Indiana
Grew up in grain farm environment in NW Minnesota
10 years of cash grain risk management experience
Strong focus on grower relationships and working as trusted farm advisor and educator
Licensed and active commodity broker
BS in Ag Education and Animal Science from University of Wisconsin and Master’s Degree work at University of Arizona in Organizational & Leadership development
Extremely active in FFA and Indiana Ag Leadership programs
Jamie Christensen
based in Sioux City, Iowa
20+ years of experience in cash grain risk management and trading experience
Years of experience in advising and merchandising for large commercial grain processing facilities
Strong focus on breakeven analysis and financial modeling
Licensed and active commodity broker
Owner of Commodity Consulting Services (
BS in Business Finance and MBA
Kayla Roy
Based in east central Illinois
Over 6 years of experience in cash grain merchandising and the seed industry
Strong focus on details and communicating with clients
Licensed and active commodity broker
Recipient of numerous performance awards from previous large agribusiness employers
Authored publication on “Analysis of Risk Management Tools Utilized by Farmers”
BS in Agribusiness Economics from Southern Illinois University and Masters in Agribusiness from Illinois State University

Taylor Pope
Based in St. Louis, MO
13+ years of Business Development and Customer Service
Strong focus on communication and customer management
Licensed and active commodity broker
Proven Business Leader with heavy experience in maximizing customer value
Bachelors Degree from Purdue University
Kurt Simmons
Based in Champaign, IL
20 years experience in crop protection/ fertilizer sales and cash grain marketing/ risk management.
Licensed and active commodity broker.
Technical services official with Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League

Logan Hartwig
Based in Memphis, TN
Grew up on a Rice and Soybean farm in NE Arkansas
10 years of cash grain experience
Strong Focus on breakeven analysis
Licensed and active commodity broker
Licensed and active crop insurance agent
BS in Agricultural Business from Arkansas State University